About Me

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Data scientist, steward of wildlands and stories.

Summary and Adage

Sometimes there are nice summaries for your audience. Where this picture was taken, if the sun sets on the south side of the street, it's good to have a jacket for the evenings, and chains in the car if you drive. Perhaps shorten it to "south sunset invites cold and wet."

Useful, easy to teach... except the assumptions.

The Old Fence Line

This last weekend, I found myself in the mountains, walking by the light of the pre-dawn sky. Jupiter was bright overhead, and Venus had just risen. The new moon was with the sun, still far below the East horizon.

If you've ever done a night hike, then you understand I was a little worried about what I might walk into. The area has deer, elk, coyotes, a few bear, and a few moose. While I heard some critters shuffling in the woods, and had an owl pass close over my head, none of those were my worry.

Data and Stories: New Ideas and Old Posts

Why a new blog? This year has been more transformative for me than the COVID years. I became conscious that people are made of stories. Stories, and emotions attached to stories, are what make us people. 

In data science, where data becomes information becomes knowledge, there is no action until the knowledge becomes a story, and the story drives a decision. In software engineering, "story" is the important part of user story.  In teams, stories drive the team dynamics. In leadership, stories drive buy-in and engagement. In informal education, the story drives the interest and curiosity.